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7 Day Physical Activity Recall (PAR)

Originally developed for use in the Stanford Five-City Project in the early 1980s, the PAR is a semi-structured interview that estimates an individual's time spent in physical activity, strength, and flexibility activities for the 7 days prior to the interview. The general interview format is as follows: An interviewer asks the participant to recall time spent sleeping and doing physical activities for the past 7 days. The interviewer guides the participant through the recall process, day-by-day, to determine duration and intensity of the physical activities.

Main Citations

Sallis, J.F., Haskell, W.L., Wood , P.D., Fortmann, S.P., Rogers, T., Blair, S.N., and Paffenbarger, R. (1985). Physical activity assessment methodology in the Five City Project. American Journal of Epidemiology, 121, 91-106.


Sallis, J.F., Buono, M.J., Roby, J.J., Micale, F.G.,and Nelson, J.A. (1993). Seven-day recall and other physical activity self-reports in children and adolescents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; 25, 99-108.


Hayden-Wade, H.A., Coleman, K.J., Sallis, J.F., and Armstrong, C. (2003). Validation of the telephone and in-person interview versions of the 7-day PAR. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35, 801-809.


Sarkin, J., Campbell, J., Gross, L., Roby, J., Bazzo, S., Sallis, J., and Calfas, K.  (1997).  Project GRAD Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall Interviewer’s Manual.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29 (Supplement), S91-S102

The purpose of this manual is to standardize the interview process and to increase agreement among interviewers. A standardized interview helps to decrease error by maintaining consistency across interviewers and limiting an interviewer's bias.

Interviewer-administered (telephone) survey which logs study participant's responses to questions concerning their sleep and physical activity during the past 7 days.

Translation by Alvaro Sánchez Pérez,Ph.D., Unidad de Investigación de Atención Primaria - Bizkaia. Please direct questions to or (34) 94-6006673.

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