Affiliated Websites
1981-1983 Fellow in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Epidemiology, Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program, Department of Medicine, Stanford University.
1981 Ph.D. Memphis State University. Memphis, Tennessee. Clinical Psychology.
1980-1981 Brown University Program in Medicine. Providence, Rhode Island. Internship in Clinical Psychology.
1978 MS Memphis State University. Memphis, Tennessee. Psychology.
1973 BS Belhaven College. Jackson, Mississippi. Business Administration and Psychology. Cum Laude.
1981-1983 Fellow in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Epidemiology, Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program, Department of Medicine, Stanford University.
1981 Ph.D. Memphis State University. Memphis, Tennessee. Clinical Psychology.
1980-1981 Brown University Program in Medicine. Providence, Rhode Island. Internship in Clinical Psychology.
1978 MS Memphis State University. Memphis, Tennessee. Psychology.
1973 BS Belhaven College. Jackson, Mississippi. Business Administration and Psychology. Cum Laude.
Employment Experience
Feb 2017 to present
Professorial Fellow
Australian Catholic University
Institute for Health and Ageing (2/1/2017-2/28/2018)
Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research (3/1/2018 to present)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Feb 2017 to present
Distinguished Professor EmeritusHerbert Werthweim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science (inaugurated October 1, 2020)(formerly Department of Family Medicine and Public Health)
Dec 2011 to Feb 2017
University of Califoria, San Diego
Distinguished Professor
Chief, Division of Behavioral Medicine
Deparment of Family and Preventive Medicine.
University of California, San Diego
Dec 2011 to present
Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology.
San Diego State University
1992 to 2010
Professor: Department of Psychology.
San Diego State University
1998 to 1999
Adjunct Professor: Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science.
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
July to Dec 1995
Visiting Professor: School of Human Movement.
Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria, Australia
1989 to 1992
Associate Professor: Department of Psychology.
San Diego State University
1983 to 1989
Lecturer; Adjunct Professor: Graduate School of Public Health.
San Diego State University
1983 to 1989
Lecturer; Adjunct Professor: Department of Psychology.
San Diego State University
1981 to 1983
Research Fellow: Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program.
Stanford, CA
1982 to 1983
Staff Psychologist: Stanford Preventive Medicine Clinic. Stanford, CA
1981 to 1982
Staff Psychologist: Stanford Behavioral Medicine Clinic. Stanford, CA
1981 to 1983
Writer and Co-Producer of Mediated Stress Management Program: Stanford Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Stanford, CA
1980 to 1981
Psychology Intern: Butler Hospital, Miriam Hospital, Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Providence, RI
Grants and Contracts: Principal Investigator or Program Director
Physical Activity Research Center (PARC) Planning Grant
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Co-director with N. Botchwey
$100,000 total costs
February 2016 - August 2016
$2.9 million total costs for research grants
September 2016 - March 2019
Automated Ecological Video Identification of Physical Activity (E-VIP) Software
NIH/NCI Grant, R21 CA194492
J. Carlson, PI; J. Sallis subcontracted PI
Subcontract for $205,000 total costs
February 2016 - January 2018
Physical Activity Assessment Study
Subcontract from RTI. Part of the CDC-funded Community Transformation Grants (CTG) Program Evaluation, funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Subcontract for $121,400 direct costs
September 15, 2014 - February 28, 2015
CRIME-PA: CRime Measures Evaluations for Physical Activity
NIH Grant RO1 HL117884 NHLBI
$3,100,000 total costs
October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2017
Active Cities
Contract from Nike, Inc.
$15,000 total costs
August 1 - September 30, 2013
IPEN Adolescent: International Study of Built Environments and Physical Activity
NIH Grant R01 HL111378
$2,823,300 total costs
August 1, 2012 - October 31, 2016
Evidence-Based School Policies to Promote Physical Activity
The California Endowment
$50,000 total costs
January 2012 - June 2013
Active Living Research
$1,200,000 total costs
December 1, 2010 – November 30, 2011
Active Living Research was renewed by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on December 1, 2007. The program will now focus on supporting research to inform policy and environmental strategies to increase physical activity among children and adolescents, decrease their sedentary behaviors and prevent obesity. We will place special emphasis on strategies with the potential to reach the low-income and racial/ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity. Findings are expected to advance RWJF’s efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic by 2015. Active Living Research is managing a new $15.4 million 5-year authorization (2007-2012) to support scientifically rigorous, solution-oriented research from investigators and scholars representing diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
The goals are to:
> establish a strong research base regarding policy and environmental factors that influence physical activity and body weight in children, as well as effective policy and environmental strategies for reversing the childhood obesity epidemic;
> build a vibrant, multidisciplinary field of research and a diverse network of researchers;
> ensure that findings are effectively communicated to inform policy debates and guide the development of effective solutions.
National Program Office for Active Living Research
Active Living Policy and Environmental Studies (ALPES) prior to 5/2003
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
August 1 - September 30, 2013
$163,219 total costs April 1, 2001 - October 15, 2001 (planning)
$695,000 total costs October 1, 2001 - October 31, 2002
$979,884 total costs November 1, 2002 - October 31, 2003
$991,370 total costs November 1, 2003 - October 31, 2004
$82,255 total costs for Seminar Program Jan 2004 - Jan 2005
$45,150 total costs for Commissioned Papers Jan 2004 - Jan 2005
$1,032,129 total costs November 1, 2004 - October 31, 2005
$1,060,838 total costs November 1, 2005 - November 30, 2006
$625,339 total costs December 1, 2006 - May 31, 2007
$627,599 total costs June 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007
$1,335,434 total costs December 1, 2007 - November 30, 2008
ICDAM 2009: International Conference on Diet and Activity Measurement
$100,000 total costs June 15, 2008 - August 14, 2009
$1,381,181 total costs December 1, 2008 - November 30, 2009
$1,243,959 total costs December 1, 2009 - November 30, 2010
Active Living Research Conference Grant
The California Endowment
$20,000 total costs
November 1, 2004 - April 1, 2005​
IPEN: International Study of Built Environment, Physical Activity, and Obesity
NIH Grant R01 CA127296
$2.7 million total costs
$2.1 million direct costs
September 30, 2009 - September 29, 2013
Ecological Analysis of Activity, Eating, & Weight in Adolescents. Project name is TEAN—Teen Environments for Activity & Nutrition
NIH Grant R01 HL083454. NHLBI​
$2.2 million direct costs
September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2011
Study Designs & Analytic Strategies for Environmental & Policy Research in Obesity
NIH Conference Grant R13 HL092782. NHLBI.
$40,000 total costs
April 1, 2008 – March 31, 2009​
Accelerating School Activity Promotion (ASAP)
The California Endowment
$133,199 total costs
September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007
Ecological Analysis of Physical Activity. (Renamed Neighborhood Quality of Life Study [NQLS]).
NIH Grant HL67350. NHLBI
$1.9 million direct costs
September 1, 2001 - August 31, 2005
Principal Investigator (9/30/00 3/1/01) and Co-PI (after 3/1/01, John P. Elder, Ph.D., M.P.H., PI).
Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Field Center.
NIH Grant U01HL66856. NHLBI Multi-center study.
$2.7 million direct costs
September 30, 2000 - September 29, 2006
M-SPAN: Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition
NIH Grant R18HL 54564. NHLBI.
$1.8 million direct costs
September 1, 1996 - August 31, 2000
M-SPAN Minority Supplement
$44,700 total costs
January 1997 - December 1998
Physical Activity and Nutrition (PAN) Fellow
Contract from International Life Sciences Institute-PAN Program
March 1998 - March 2001
Project GRAD: Graduate Ready for Activity Daily.
NIH Grant R18HL 49505. NHLBI
$1.1 million direct costs
December 1993 - November 1997
Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids: SPARK
NIH Grant R18HL 44467. NHLBI
$2.2 million direct costs.
July 1989 - June 1994
Research Supplement for Underrepresented Minorities- SPARK
$27,000 direct costs
July 1992 - June 1994
SPARK Competitive continuation
$230,000 direct costs
July 1994 - June 1996
Assessing Tobacco Refusal Skills in Latino Youth (Proyecto Juarez).
University of California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program RT588.
$528,000 direct costs
July 1990 - December 1993
Assessment of Physical Activity and Fitness in Children.
NIH Grant HL 37564. NHLBI
$162,000 direct costs.
October 1986 - September 1988
Survey of pediatricians regarding attitudes and practices toward heart disease prevention in children.
UCSD Academic Senate Award
$5,508 total costs.
November 1985 - July 1986
Grants and Contracts:
Co-Principal Investigator
Studying the Impact of COVID-19 on transit use to understand the mobility needs of transit-dependent riders and to enhance transit systems' resiliency.
Robert Wood Johnson grant 78646 (PI Katie Crist, Ph.D.)
$547,844 total costs
June 15, 2021-June 14, 2024
SIP 10: Expansion of the Physical Activity Policy Research Network (PAPRN)—Collaborating Center.
CDC grant U48 DP000894-01. (PI’s John Elder, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Jacqueline Kerr, Ph.D.)
$120,000 total costs
December 1, 2007 - November 30, 2009.
Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment and Weight.
USDA Grant 2006-04623. (PI Karen Glanz, Ph.D., M.P.H.)NIH/NCI $1,305,000 total costs. (Sallis is PI of $388,320 subcontract).
May 1, 2007 - April 30, 2011
Obesity Prevention & Control in Community Recreation Centers.
NIDDK grant R01-DK72994. (PI John Elder, Ph.D., M.P.H.)
$2 million direct costs.
March 3, 2006 - January 31, 2011
Child Weight Status and Neighborhood Physical Activity & Nutrition Environment.
NIH grant R01 ES014240. NIEHS. (PI Brian E. Saelens, Ph.D.)
$2 million direct costs. (Sallis is PI of subcontract).
September 2005 – August 30, 2010.
Environmental Correlates of PA in Older Adults
NIH Grant HL077141. NHLBI. (PI Abby C. King, Ph.D.)
$1.95 million direct costs. (Sallis is PI of subcontract for $673,538 direct costs)
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2008.
Clinical and web-based diet and activity counseling for men.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). NIH Grant R01CA98861. NCI.
$2.1 million direct costs.
December 1, 2002 - August 31, 2007.
PACE+: Counseling Adults for Exercise and Nutrition.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). NIH Grant R01CA85873. NCI.
$2.6 million direct costs.
September 1, 2001 - August 31, 2005.
Sun safety intervention for postal carriers.
(PI Joni Mayer, Ph.D.). NIH Grant, NCI.
$2.7 million direct costs.
January 2001 - December 2005.
Nutrition Network News.
$77,510 total costs.
October 1, 1999 - September 30, 2000.
Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, CA Dept of Health
$178,243 total costs.
October 1, 2000 - September 30, 2001.
(subcontract from Cajon Valley School District).
$219,849 total costs.
October 1, 2001 - September 30, 2002.
California Nutrition Network for Healthy Families.
$219,901 total costs.
October 2002 - October 2003.
Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, California Department of Health Services. (subcontract from Vista Unified School District).
$9,500 total costs.
October 2002 - October 2003.
PACE+: Counseling Adolescents for Exercise and Nutrition.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). NIH Grant R01CA814595. NCI.
$2.6 million direct costs.
September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2004.
Promoting sunscreen at the point-of-purchase.
(PI Joni Mayer, Ph.D.). NIH Grant, NCI.
$700,000 direct costs.
April 1999 - March 2002.
Family Factors in Smoking Acquisition Among Latino Youth.
(PI Rafael Laniado-Laborin, M.D., M.P.H.). University of California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program. Project 7RT-0049.
$566,700 direct costs.
July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001.
PACE Plus Nutrition for Adolescents.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Cooperative Agreement with Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. Project TS81-11/11.​
$180,848 total costs.
October 1996 - September 1997.
$240,374 total costs.
October 1997 - September 1998.
PACE Plus Nutrition for Adults.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Cooperative Agreement with Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. Project TS81-11/11.
$180,848 total costs.
October 1996 - September 1997.
$142,857 total costs.
October 1997 - September 1998.
Physician-Based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise (PACE) Project.
(PI Kevin Patrick, M.D.). Centers for Disease Control contract.
$195,000 total costs.
$2.2 million direct costs
September 1990-September 1992.
Cooperative Agreement with Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine
$175,000 total costs.
September 1992 - September 1993.
Cooperative Agreement with Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine
$38,000 total costs.
September 1994 - September 1995.
Predicting physical activity change: An epidemiologic study.
(PI Melbourne F. Hovell, Ph.D., M.P.H.). NIH Grant HL 40575. NHLBI.
$166,000 direct costs.
April 1988 - April 1990.
A profile of exercise determinants: A case-control approach.
(PI Melbourne F. Hovell, Ph.D., M.P.H.). Association of Schools of Public Health/Centers for Disease Control.
$62,000 direct costs.
November 1985 - November 1986.
San Diego Family Health Project.
(PI Philip R. Nader, M.D.). NIH Grant HL 30872. NHLBI.
$2.6 million direct costs.
June 1984 - December 1990.
Grants and Contracts: Investigator
Sedentary Behavior Interrupted: Acute, medium and long-term effects on biomarkers of healthy aging, physical function and mortality.
P01 AG052352-01 (Program PIs – Andrea LaCroix, PhD, Jacqueline Kerr, PhD).
$1,495,243 per year direct costs
​April 2017 -- March 2022
Neighborhood Physical, Economic, and Socioeconomic Environment in Relation to Marijuana Use and Disorder.
NIDA grant R01DA042290 (PI is Yuyan Shi, Ph.D.).
$2,372,885 total costs
February 2017 - December 2020
Neighborhood Environments and Cardiometabolic Disorders in Hispanic/Latinos.
NIDDK grant R01DK106209. (PI's are Matthew Allison, MD and Linda Gallo, PhD).
$2.257 million direct costs.
July 2015 – June 2019.
Validating Machine-Learned Classifiers of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity.
NCI grant R01 CA164993. (PI Jacqueline Kerr, PhD).
$1.484 million direct costs
July 2012 - April 2016
Planned Care for Obesity and Risk Reduction.
NHLBI grant R01 HL089444-01. (PI Kevin Patrick, MD, MS)
$2.6 million direct costs.
April 2008 – March 2013.
A Tool for Geospatial Analysis of Physical Activity.
NCI grant U01 CA130771. PI Kevin Patrick, MD, MS).
$2 million direct costs.
November 2007 – June 2011.
Hispanic Community Health Study.
NHLBI grant HHSN268200625237C. (PI Greg Talvera, MD, MPH).
$9.6 million direct costs.
November 2006 – October 2013.
Multilevel Mechanisms of Physical Activity Change.
NCI grant RO1 CA113828. (PI Gregory Norman, Ph.D.).
April 1, 2005 - March 31, 2009.
Prevention Research Center: Promotion of Physical Activity in the Latino Community. CDC grant.
(PI John Elder, Ph.D., M.P.H.).
$2.5 million total costs
September 30, 2004 - September 29, 2009.
Multi-Level Assessment of Indoor Tanning Practices.
NCI grant R01 CA93532. (PI Joni Mayer, Ph.D.).
$1.8 million direct costs.
September 30, 2003 - August 31, 2007.
Fil-Am Siglang Buhay Project: Food, Fitness, and Cancer Prevention.
(PI Ofelia Dirige, Dr.PH, RD). Contract from the Cancer Research Program, California Department of Health Services.
$2.5 million total costs.
July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2003.
Project SHOUT.
NCI Grant CA44921. (PI John P. Elder, Ph.D., M.P.H.) San Diego State University.
$1.5 million direct costs.
July 1987 - June 1991.
Social Learning of Diet and Exercise in Children.
(PI Philip R. Nader, M.D.). (Project Manager from 1986-1989). NIH Grant HL 35109. NHLBI.
$3.6 million direct costs.
July 1986 - March 1994.
Preventive Cardiology Academic Award.
(PI Michael H. Criqui, M.D.) NIH Grant HL 01718. NHLBI. University of California, San Diego.
June 1986-June 1991.
Awards and Honors
Identified as 328th most influential scientist in all fields (top 0.01%), based on analyses of multiple indicators of citations of scientific papers from 100,000 authors since 1970. Published in this paper: Ioannidis, J.P., Baas, J., Klavans, R., and Boyack, K.W. (2019). A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field. PLoS Biology, 17(8), e3000384.
In a 2020 follow-up paper by the same group, my career rank was listed as 317 out of 100,000 authors. Ioannidis, J. P., Boyack, K. W., & Baas, J. (2020). Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biology, 18(10), e3000918. https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918
Tom Baranowski Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Behavioral Nutrition and/or Physical Activity. Lifetime achievement award. Named after the founder of ISBNPA. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Link
May 2020
Inaugural Mike and Terry Metzler Distinguished Lecturer. Department of Kinesiology and Health. Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA.
April 10, 2018
Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award. Presented by the James F. and Sarah T. Fries Foundation and the CDC Foundation. Presented at Society for Public Health Education. Columbus, Ohio.
April 5, 2018
Rinden Merecido Homenaje (Tribute, with plaque and ceremony). From XX Congreso Internacional Avances en Medicina, Universidad de Guadalajara, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Mexico.
February 23, 2018
Board of Directors, Rails to Trails Conservancy. Link
2018 - 2020
Active Design: Excellence in Thought Leadership. Center for Active Design. Awarded presented.
September 27, 2017 New York City. Link
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Writing Award for 2016, from the
Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) Research Council Writing Award Committee.
Healthy Places Visionary Award. From the Urban Land Institute, San Diego and Tijuana Chapter. Link
May 11, 2016
2015 David Kessler Award for Extraordinary Contribution to the Public's Health. California Center for Public Health Advocacy. Link
October 2015
Elected President of Society of Behavioral Medicine, with membership on Board of Directors from 2015 to 2017.
Alliance Scholar Award. Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America, formerly American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Presented March 20, 2015. Seattle, WA. Link
March 20, 2015
Lifetime Achievement Award. Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. North Carolina State Universiy. Raleigh, NC.
April 26, 2013
Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health. Administered by McGill University. Toronto, Canada
January 21, 2013
Honorary doctoral degree, Honoris Causa. From the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacky University. Olomouc, Czech Republic
December 5, 2012
Applied Obesity Research Award presented at Weight of the Nation 2012 at Pioneering Innovation Award ceremony. To Active Living Research, Healthy Living Research, and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Washington, DC. Link
May 8, 2012
C. Tracy Orleans Distinguished Service Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine.
April 2012
Elected Vice President, American College of Sports Medicine. Link
June 2011 - June 2014
Lifetime Achievement Award, President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Washington, DC. Link
May 10, 2011
2010 Albert W. Johnson University Research Lecturer and title “Distinguished Professor of Psychology”. Highest research award at San Diego State University.
March 12, 2010
Honorary degree of Doctor Medicinae Honoris Causa. University of Southern Denmark. Odense, Denmark. Link
October 2, 2009
SDSU Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution to the University, 2009-2010. “Monty” Award. Link
August 27, 2009
Elected “Member-At-Large” on Board of Trustees for Society for Behavioral Medicine.
John P. McGovern Award in Health Promotion. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health.
March 30, 2007
Distinguished Scientist Award. Society of Behavioral Medicine. Presented at annual meeting in Washington, DC.
March 2007
Tied for the fourth most cited article published in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1930-2003. Sallis & McKenzie. Physical education’s role in public health. 1991, 62, 124-137. 115 citations. Reported by: Cardinal, B.J., & Thomas, J.R. (2005). The 75th anniversary of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport: An analysis of status and contributions. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 2005.
Citation Award. American College of Sports Medicine. Presented at annual meeting.
June 2006
Community Champion for Student Fitness: For Scientific Contributions to the Understanding and Advancement of Physical Activity at Schools. San Diego County School Fitness Summit. San Diego, CA.
March 2, 2006
Distinguished Research Collaboration Award. Kalusugan Community Services and Filipino-American Wellness Center. San Diego.
November 12, 2005
Most Outstanding Scholar. College of Sciences, San Diego State University.
May 2005
Identified as highest increase in citations in Psychology and Psychiatry fields, InCities. Link
October/December 2003
Top 25 Award for 2003 from SDSU President.
April 12, 2003
SBM Distinguished Mentor Award. Society of Behavioral Medicine.
March 2003
Master Lecture. Society of Behavioral Medicine. Salt Lake City, Utah.
March 20, 2003
Fellow. Highly Cited Researcher—Institute for Scientific Information designation for the world’s most cited authors; less than one half of one percent of all publishing researchers. In the category of Social Sciences, General. Link
R. Tait McKenzie Lecture for American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
April 2002
Fellow, Division 36 (Health Psychology), American Psychological Association.
Board of Trustees (elected), American College of Sports Medicine.
Outstanding Contribution to the Profession in Health. San Diego Chapter of the California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
May 20, 1999
Board Member (elected), International Council for Physical Activity and Fitness Research.
Quest for the Best. Faculty honoree by award winner LaShanda Jones. San Diego State University.
April 24, 1997
Master Lecture. Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco.
April 17, 1997
Raymond A. Weiss Lecture. AAHPERD Research Consortium and American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education. American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Portland, Oregon.
April 1, 1995
Fellow, Society of Behavioral Medicine.
Outstanding Scientific Contribution. Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.
August 1994
Acknowledgement for Service to Children, Youth, and Families in San Diego. The June Burnett Institute for Children, Youth, and Families. San Diego.
​October 1994
Douglas S. Leathar Award. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice.
Fellow. American College of Sports Medicine.
Fellow. Council on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, American Heart Association.
Professional Activities
Member, National Advisory Panel, AARP Livability Index.
Chair, Planning Group for Workshop: Advancing Obesity Solutions Through Investments in the Built Environment. National Academy of Medicine, Roundtable on Obesity Solutions. Washington, DC.
September 12, 2017
Board of Directors, Rails to Trails Conservancy.
Program Committee
Health Committee
American Heart Association, Council on Epidemiology
Fellow, 1992
Physical Activity Subcommittee, 1993-1994
Schoolsite Program Task Force, 1994
Expert volunteer on behavior change for strategic planning process, 1997
American Heart Association. 2017-2020
Strategic Planning Task Force, 2016
American Psychological Association, 1976-Present
Division 38 (Health Psychology) Fellow, 2000
Division 47 (Sport and Exercise Psychology)
American Public Health Association, Public Health Education Section
Inter-American Society of Psychologists
International Council for Physical Activity and Fitness Research
Board member (elected), 1998-2000
International Society of Health Psychology
1996 - Present
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, National Institutes of Health.
Strategic Planning Expert Panel
San Diego Affiliate, American Heart Association
Society of Behavioral Medicine
Fellow, 1994
Center for Active Design. Excellence in Active Design Awards.
Jury member
March 2015
Voices for Healthy Kids: American Heart Association and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Scientific Advisory Committee
Circle of Champions for Healthiest Practice Open Streets. 8-80 Cities
International Conference of Physical Activity and Public Health. Bangkok, Thailand.
Scientific Committee
San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative.
Evaluation Taskforce
International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. Groningen, The Netherlands
Physical Activity Track Co-Chair
August 2014
International Conference of Physical Activity and Public Health. Bangkok, Thailand.
Scientific Committee
Contributions to Policy Groups, Decision Makers, and Advocacy Organizations (Selected)
You've Got This. Physical activity initiative in South Tees region of northeast England. Funded by Sport England. September 15, 2020
San Francsico State University, Nutrition policy, obesit, and health equity. San Francisco, CA. October 7, 2019
Brownsville Housing Authority. Community meeting. Brownsville, TX. October 4, 2019
Center on Aging and multiple Colleges. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT. April 27-28, 2017.
Department of Transport and Main Roads. November 29, 2018. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Menzies Institute for Medical Research. University of Tasmania. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. November 21, 2018.
Department of Health. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. November 19-20, 2018
Member, 2017-2020 Strategic Planning Task Force.
American Heart Association. 2016.
Leader of Academic Roundtable and presenter of "Next steps for physical activity and built environment research."
Kinder Institute, Rice University. Houston, TX. February 11, 2016. Blog post and interview associated with this talk: Link
Healthy Communities Speaker Tour of 4 cities in Oregon. Main sponsors were Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association, Transportation and Growth Management Agency, and Oregon Health Authority. October 6-10, 2014.
Thai Health Promotion Foundation. Bangkok, Thailand. July 8, 2014.
UNICEF-USA Kid Power Program. July 2014.
California Governor Arnold Swarzenegger.
White House Briefing. Clean Energy Economy Forum—The Public Health Benefits of Clean Energy Reform.
White House Briefing. First Lady Michelle Obama.
Leadership for Healthy Communities grantees.
National Conference of State Legislators.
Surface Transportation Policy Project.
National Institute for Public Health. Prague, Czech Republic.
Mississippi Health Summit.
Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, Board of Nutrition and Physical Activity. Oslo, Norway.
Walk San Diego.
Active Healthy Kids Canada.
San Diego Childhood Obesity Initiative.
Physical Activity Task Force Meetings in Western Australia, Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales, Australia.
National Association of State Boards of Education.
European HEPA (Health Enhancing Physical Activity) Network. Glasgow, Scotland.
Special meeting of deputy ministers responsible for sport, Physical activity, and recreation. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
Briefing for city officials. Sechelt, BC, Canada.
Healthy Communities Coalition. Louisville, KY.
Department of Regional Development and “A Fitter Future For All” cross-sector government working group on obesity control. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Mission: Readiness
State teams from National Association of State Boards of Education and Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, sponsored by Leadership for Healthy Communities.
Capitol Hill visits by Society of Behavioral Medicine Board of Directors.
Members of Parliament, Perth, Western Australia.
Education Commission of the States, National Forum on Education Policy.
National Council of La Raza.
Los Angeles County Bicycle Summit.
Arrowstreet, subcontractors with US Department of Defense working on Healthy Bases.
Department of Education staff.
Harlem Children's Zone.
Partnership for a Healthier America.
American Cancer Society.
Mississippi Department of Health.
Minister of Health and Sport, Aruba.
Nike, Inc.
Departments of Health and Urban Planning, Taipei, Taiwan.
Let's Move Active Schools.
SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) Board of Directors.
California Health Policy Forum.
San Diego American Indian Health System.
Surgeon General's Call to Action on Walking.
Aspen Institute's Project Play.
America Walks!
Urban Land Institute.
8-80 Cities.
City planners in Chennai, India.
American Heart Association Advocacy Coordinating Committee.
Healthy Hawaii Initiative. Department of Health. Honolulu, HI.
Scientific Program Committee. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. San Diego, CA. May 21-24, 2014.
Physical Activity and Public Health Course (for Researchers in Brazil). Co-sponsored by Sociedade Brasileira de Atividede Fisica e Saude and International Society of Physical Activity and Health. Curitiba, Brazil. July 7-13, 2013.
National Advisory Committee. Salud America! 2013-2015.
Healthy Hawaii Initiative. Department of Health. Honolulu, HI
Nevada Department of Public Health, obesity prevention program
Australian Institute for Transport Planners and Managers
World Bank, Washington, DC
ACE (Assessing Cost Effectiveness): Obesity America. Harvard School of Public Health. Cambridge, MA. October 6-7, 2010.
ACT (Activity Counseling Trial). NHLBI multi-site trial to study physical activity promotion in primary care settings. Consulting with Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research.
Advisory Board. CHOICES Project. Cost-effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention interventions. PI is Steve Gortmaker. Harvard School of Public Health. Cambridge, MA. June 20-21, 2013.
Advisory Panel. Analyzing the impact and return on investment of wellness and prevention programs. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and Trust for America's Health. Los Angeles, CA. October 4, 2013.
Albert Einstein School of Medicine. Diabetes Control and Training Center. Bronx, NY.
Arizona State University, School of Nutrition and Health Promotion. Phoenix, AZ. April 4, 2013.
Baker IDI, Behavioral Epidemiology Unit. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. June 13, 2011.
Cancer Prevention Research Center, School of Population Health. University of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. October 9, 2006.
CATCH, New England Research Institute.
Center for Research Excellence on Healthy Liveable Communities. University of Melbourne, University of Western Australian. International Advisory Group Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. November 17, 2016.
Center for Health Promotion Studies. University of Alberta, Canada.
Centre for Excellence in Public Health. Queen’s University, Belfast. Belfast, Northern Ireland. Included meetings with the Department of Regional Development and “A Fitter Future For All” cross-sector government working group on obesity control. June 6-10, 2010.
College of Health, University of Notre Dame. Fremantle, Western Australia.
Columbia University. Study of Children's Activity and Nutrition.
Deakin University, Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. June 13, 2011.
Deakin University, School of Human Movement, Melbourne, Australia.
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and School of Architecture. University of Miami. February 6-7, 2012.
Department of Kinesiology and Health. Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA. April 10, 2018.
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. North Carolina State Universiy. Raleigh, NC. April 25-26, 2013.
Department of Physiology, Kuwait University School of Medicine. December 20, 2012.
Department of Preventive Medicine. Tokyo Medical University, Japan.
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. University of Otago. Dunedin, New Zealand. October 6, 2006.
Department of Public Health. University of Western Australia, Perth.
Department of Health, New South Wales. Sydney, Australia.
Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education. Tsinghua University. Beijing, China. March 19-24, 2018. Including external evaluation of the Postgraduate Programme.
Epidemiology Group, Universidade de Los Andes. Bogota, Colombia. October 11, 2016
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. University of Wollongong, Australia.
Faculty of Physical Culture. Palacky University. November 26, 2010. Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Flemish Health Promotion Institute. Brussels, Belgium.
Harvard School of Public Health, Center for Health Communication. Eat Well and Keep Moving Project.
Health by Design. An initiative of the Alliance for Health Promotion. Indianapolis, IN. May 1, 2009.
HEMIL-Senter for Health Promotion. Faculty of Psychology. University of Bergen, Norway.
Hispanic Mental Health Project (NIMH Grant). William A. Vega, P.I., SDSU, San Diego, CA.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. Obesity research agenda. Kuwait City, December 16-19, 2012.
Mary Black Foundation, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
National Children and Youth Fitness Study II.
National Growth and Health Study. Multi-center NHLBI study.
Palacky University, Faculty of Physical Culture. Olomouc, Czech Republic.
PATHWAYS. NHLBI multi-site trial to prevent obesity in American Indians.
Physical Activity Research Team. Planning grant proposal. University of Nevada Las Vegas. October 23, 2014.
PLACE Study, Cancer Prevention Research Center, University of Queensland. Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Project HELPS. Hypertension, Exercise, Lifestyles Program for Seniors. John Martin, P.I. SDSU, San Diego, CA.
Project LEAN. California Department of Public Health. 2008-2009.
Project PRIME. Physical activity intervention study, funded by NHLBI. Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas, TX.
Queensland University of Technology, School of Public Health, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Rockhampton and Central Queensland University. Rockhampton, QLD, Australia. 10,000 Steps
School of Human Movement. Deakin University. Melbourne, Australia. October 12, 2006
School of Physical Education. Ghent University, Belgium.
School of Public Health. St. Louis University.
SPARC: Sport & Recreation New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand. October 3, 2006.
Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention. Nutrition Community Education Program. Stanford, CA.
Tokyo Medical University, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Tokyo, Japan.
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Portugal. Consulting with Dr. Luis Sardinha.
University of Missouri Kansas City.
University of New Mexico, Dept of Health Promotion, Physical Education, and Leisure Programs. Albuquerque, NM.
University of North Carolina, Interdisciplinary Obesity Center. July 12-15, 2005. Winston-Salem, NC.
University of Porto, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Sciences, Portugal.
University of South Carolina, School of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control. Determinants of physical activity in a low SES group.
University of Southern California, Department of Preventive Medicine, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
University of Sydney, Queensland University of Technology, and Deakin University. National Workplace Health Promotion Project. Australia.
University of Tasmania, Menzies Centre for Population Health Research. Hobart, Australia.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. School of Public Health. March 29-30, 2007.
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Pediatrics. San Antonio, TX.
Yang-Ming Exercise and Health Science Institute. Yang-Ming University. Taipei, Taiwan.
NEWS-Africa Training Workshop. Sponsored by IPEN, International Development Research Centre, and African Physical Activity Network. Kenyatta University. Nairobi, Kenya. August 19-21, 2013
PRIDE Course, “Investing in America’s Future: Mentoring Researchers in Latino Health Disparities”. Supported by NHLBI. San Diego State University. 2011-2013.
BEAT (Built Environment Assessment Training) Think Tank. 2012-2013.
Tsinghua University. Beijing, China
Member, Strategic Planning Expert Panel. Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, National Institutes of Health. 2016.US
Content Area Expert for Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity. NIH Office of Disease Prevention. December 2016-2017.US
Co-author of Guide to Using the NCCOR Measures Registry for Physical Activity Environments. National Collaborative for Childhood Obesity Research and FHI360. 2016.US
Strategic Planning and Training Meeting. Hawai'i Department of Health, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. November 18-19, 2015.Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Agita Sao Paulo, state-wide physical activity promotion initiative. Centro de Estudos do Laboratorio de Aptidao Fisica de Sao Caetano do Sul (CELAFISCS).
Sao Paulo, Brazil. -
Australia Heart Foundation. Meetings, lectures, and consultation. November 21-25, 2016.Perth and Brisbane
Australian Heart Foundation. Canberra and Melbourne, Australia.
California Department of Health Services, Physical Activity and Health Initiative. Sacramento, CA.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Advisor, Project MOVE (cost-effectiveness analysis of physical activity interventions and health impact assessments).Atlanta, GA.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Diabetes Translation. Expert Panel Member. Primary prevention for Type 2 Diabetes. January 11-12, 2006.Atlanta, GA.
Centers for Disease Control. Promoting exercise in minority populations.Atlanta, GA.
Centers for Disease Control. Workshop on Assessment of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Two- to Five-Year-Old Children. Sponsored by the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity. Atlanta, GA.
Centers for Disease Control. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System: Behavioral Delineation and Instrument Workshop. Washington, D.C.
Children’s Physical Activity Coalition.Fremantle, Western Australia.
Health Education Authority for the United Kingdom, Physical Activity Project Office.UK
Healthy Hawaii Initiative.
Hawaii State Department of Health. -
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada . Member, Obesity Policy Research Working Group. February 1, 2006.Vancouver, Canada.
Institute for Public Health. June 10, 2010.Dublin, Ireland.
Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality, and Health Study Advisory Committee.Government of King County, WA
Mississippi Health Policy Research Center. January 28, 2005.
Jackson, MS. -
National Cancer Institute. Capturing Physical Actvity and Diet in Real-Time.Rockville, MD.
National Cancer Institute, Health Education Section, Diet and Cancer Branch, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. Working Group on Culturally Sensitive Intervention Strategies for Dietary/Behavioral Change Among African American Women. Rockville, MD.
Nova Scotia consortium on physical activity of children and youth. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Queensland Health.Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
San Diego County Lung Association. Development of worksite smoking cessation program.San Diego, CA.
Sosial-og helsedirektoratet (Directorate for Health and Social Affairs), Department for Physical Activity.Oslo, Norway.
SPARColl (Scottish Physical Activity Research Collaboration). Discussion of the 2014 Commonwealth Games Activity Legacy. November 30, 2010. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Strategic Intergovernmental Group on Physical Activity and Health.Sydney, Australia.
WHO Collaborating Center for Health Promotion through Research and Training in Sports Medicine. Tokyo and Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Obesity Solutions. October 15, 2013 -- August 31, 2016. Representing the American Psychological Association.
Coordination Committee for Physical Activity, Guide to Community Preventive Services. 2013-2014
Let's Move at School Evaluation Committee. Let's Move and President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. 2013-2014.
Institute of Medicine's Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention. August 2012 -- July 2013.
NBC Parent Toolkit, Health and Wellness section. Released April 9, 2014. LinkUS
American Medical Association. Consulting on physical activity promotion campaign and writing physician guide.
Compact Disc Incorporated. NHLBI Small Business Grant to develop interactive CD to promote children's physical activity. DINE Systems. Buffalo, NY.
Evaluation of Active Living by Design. Advisory Group Member. February 15, 2006.San Diego, CA
International Life Sciences Institute. Workshop on assessment of physical activity for young people. Atlanta, GA.
McNeil Consumer Products Company. "Promoting Active Lifestyles: The Physician's Role." Sonoma, CA.
National Coalition on Promoting Physical Activity. Scientific Advisory Board for development of a national physical activity program.
Nike, Inc: Designed to Move reviewer, Measurement and Evaluation group, Fuel Band measurement group. 2012-2013.
Pro-Change Behavior Systems. Related to obesity prevention in elementary schools.
The California Endowment. Brainstorming physical activity initiatives for California. November 17, 2005.San Francisco, CA.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Invited participant to childhood obesity research workshop.Baltimore, MD.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Expert Panel Member. Early assessment of environmental interventions to prevent childhood obesity. January 20, 2006.Princeton , NJ
Western Athletic Clubs. Staff development. San Francisco, CA.
Clinical Advances Steering Committee for the “Linking Community to Clinical Practice in the Battle Against Childhood Obesity” theme for Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology. Supported by The California Endowment. 2013.
Review Activities: Guest Editor
Sallis, J.F. Botchwey, N., Floyd, M., Pollack Porter, K., Umstattd Meyer, R., Hipp, J.A., Kim, A., and Conway, T.L. (2019). Building evidence to reduce inequities in youth physical activity and obesity: Introduction to the Physical Activity Research Center (PARC) Special Section. Preventive Medicine, 129, 105767. (Guest Editorial) DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.105767
Keith, N.R., Baskin, M.L., Wilhelm Stanis, S.A., and Sallis, J.F. (2017). The 2016 Active Living Research Conference: Equity in active living. Preventive Medicine, 95 (suppl.), S1-S3.
Rodriguez, D.A., Lounsbery, M.A.F., and Sallis, J.F. (2016). Guest editors of The Active Living Research 2015 conference special issue: The science of policy implementation. Environment and Behavior, 48(issue 1).
Pollack, K.M., Gonzalez, E.R., Hager, E.R., and Sallis, J.F. (2014). Guest editors of Active Living Research 2014 Conference supplement: Niche to norm. Preventive Medicine, 69 (supplement). December 2014.
Pollack, K.M., Gonzalez, E.R., Hager, E.R., and Sallis, J.F. (2014). Guest editors of Active Living Research 2014 Conference supplement: Niche to norm. Preventive Medicine, 69 (supplement). December 2014.
Economos, C.D., Sallis, J.F., Keith, N.R., and Newkirk, J. Guest editors of Active Living Research 2013 Conference supplement. Achieving change across sectors: Integrating research, policy, and practice. American Journal of Health Promotion, 28(3 suppl), January 2014.*
Whitt-Glover, M.C., Bennett, G., and Sallis, J.F. Guest editors of Active Living Research supplement: Disparities in environments and policies that support active living. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1, suppl 1), February 2013.
Sallis, J., Salmon, J., and Mendoza, J. Guest editors of Active Living Research Special Issue. Health and Place, 18(1), February 2012.
Fullilove, M.F., Lee, C., and Sallis, J.F. (2011). Guest editors of Active Living Research supplement: Engaging Communities to Create Active Living Environments. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 8(1) (suppl 1), February 2011.*
Lee, S.M., Sallis, J.F., and Biddle, S.J.H. (2010). Guest editors of Active Living Research supplement: Active Communities for Youth and Families: Using Research to Create Momentum for Change. Preventive Medicine, 50(1), supplement 1, January 2010.*
Story, M., Sallis, J.F., and Orleans, C.T. (2009). Guest editors of supplement: Adolescent obesity: Towards Evidence-Based Policy and Environmental Solutions. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45, 3Supplement, September 2009.
Schilling, J.M., Giles-Corti, B., and Sallis, J.F. Guest editors of supplement: Connecting Active Living Research to Policy Solutions. Journal of Public Health Policy, 30, Supplement 1, February 2009.
Sallis, J.F., Orleans, C.T., and Buchner, D.M. Guest editors of supplement: Active Living Research: A Six-Year Report. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 36, Issue 2 Supplement, February 2009.
Floyd, M.F., Crespo, C.J., and Sallis, J.F. Guest editors of Theme Issue: Active Living in Diverse and Disadvantaged Communities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Volume 34, No.4, April 2008.
Kraft, M.K., Sallis, J.F., Vernez Moudon, A., and Linton, L.S. Guest editors, Active Living Research Supplement to Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Volume 3, Supplement 1, February 2006.
Sallis, J.F., Vernez Moudon, A., Linton, L.S., and Powell, K.E. Guest editors, Active Living Research Supplement to American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Volume 28, Number 2, Supplement 2, February 2005.
Guest Editor of special issue: “Physical Activity Guidelines for Adolescents”. Pediatric Exercise Science, volume 6, issue 4, November 1994.
Guest Co-Editor of supplement: “Cardiopulmonary Behavioral Research: Focus on Youth, Gender, Ethnicity.” Journal of Health Education. March 1995.
Review Activities: Other Activities
Editorial Board
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1997-Present
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Consulting Editor, 1993-1996, 2000-2004
Health Promotion International, 1996-2002
Health Psychology, 1989-1994
Health Psychology Review, 2006-2019
Human Movement (Poland), 2004-2019
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2008-2011
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2003-2006
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1993-1995, 1999-2004
Journal of Transport and Health, 2013-2016
Latin America Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2010-Present
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2005-Present
Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition, and Health, Epidemiology Section, 1991-1995
Obesity Insights, 2008-2019
Pediatric Exercise Science, 1992-2019
Psychology and Health, 1997-2000
Revista Brasileira de Ciencia & Movimento, (Brazil), 2000-Present
Regular Reviewer
American Journal of Health Behavior, 1996-Present
American Journal of Health Promotion, 1987-2019
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Psychobiology Section, 2000
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Epidemiology Section, 1987-1994
Guest Reviewer
Nature Reviews Cardiology, 2018
The Lancet Planetary Health, 2017
Environment International, 2017
JAMA Internal Medicine, 2017
Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis (Estonia), 1997
Acta Paediatrica, 1999-Present
American Heart Association Statements, 2011
American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1989-1994
American Journal of Human Biology, 1997
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1988-Present
American Journal of Public Health, 1991-Present
Archives of Internal Medicine, 2008
Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1985
Behavior Therapy, 1990
BMJ Global Health
BMJ Open, 2018
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2014
Childhood Obesity, 2013
Children, Youth, and Environment, 2008
Circulation, 1988-Present
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 1991
Collegium Antropologicum (Croatia), 2000
Ethnicity and Disease, 1992-Present
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 1992
Health Affairs, 2010-Present
Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 1991-Present
Health Psychology, 1986-Present
International Journal of Obesity, 1992-Present
Journal of Adolescent Medicine, 1994
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1995-Present
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999
Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005-Present
Journal of the American Planning Association, 2005-Present
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1986-Present
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1994
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1985-Present
Journal of Children and Media, 2008
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1981-Present
Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2014
Journal of the National Medical Association, 2007
Journal of Nutrition Education, 1994
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2009
Journal of Pediatrics, 2001-Present
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 1994
Journal of Research in Personality, 1992
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1992-Present
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1988-Present
New England Journal of Medicine, 1992
Obesity, 2011
Obesity Reviews, 2011
Oxford Bibliographies, 2012
Pediatrics, 1998-Present
Perspectives in Public Health, 2011
PLoS ONE, 2014
Preventing Chronic Disease, 2012
Preventive Medicine, 1986-Present
Psychology and Health, 1995-Present
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2001
Psychological Reports, 1990
Psychosomatic Medicine, 1999-Present
Public Health Nutrition, 2004-Present
Public Health Reports, 1985-1995
Social Science and Medicine, 1996-Present
Sports Medicine, 1988-Present
Sustainable Cities and Society
The Lancet, 2018
The Lancet, 2016
Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, and Research, 2010-Present
Transport Reviews, 2015
Women & Health, 1999
Women’s Health, 1994-Present.
Ione Avila-Palencia, MPH. ISGLOBAL: Barcelona Institute for Global Health. Barcelona, Spain. Doctoral student. September--December, 2106.
Yi Yi Lee. School of Health Sciences. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Khota Baru, Malaysia. Doctoral student. May--July, 2016.
Xiabo (Bob) Wang, Ph.D. Physical Education Department, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China. Associate Professor. February 2016 -- February 2017.
Ade Fatai Adeniyi, Ph.D. Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine. University of Ibadan, Nigeria. September 2015.
Joao Martins, PhD, Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon, Portugal. August 2015.
Armando Cocca, Ph.D. and Michaela Cocca, Ph.D. Faculty of Sports Management. Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. August 2015.
Javier Molina-Garcia, Ph.D. and Ana Queralt, Ph.D., R.N. University of Valencia, Spain. July 2015.
Jo Salmon. Professor, Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition. School of Human Movement. Deakin University. Melbourne, Australia. May 2014.
Ferdinand Salonna. Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacky University. Olomouc, Czech Republic. May 2014.
Erica Hinckson. Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Health and Environmental Sciences. Auckland University of Technology. Auckland, New Zealand. May 2014.
Oscar Veiga. Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid, Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Movement. Madrid, Spain. May 2014.
Irene Esteban Cornejos. Doctoral student. Autonomous University of Madrid, Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Movement. Madrid, Spain. June -- August, 2013. May 2014.
Adilson Passos da Costa Marques, Ph.D. Faculty of Human Kinetics. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. January 6-19, 2013.
Jin Jong Chen, M.D., Ph.D. and colleagues. National Yang-Ming University. Taipei, Taiwan. May 25, 2012.
Wan Manan and colleagues. School of Health Sciences. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Kelantan, Malaysia. May 3-4, 2012.
Zakiul Islam, Ph.D. Department of Architecture. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Dhaka, Bangladesh. March 15, 2012.
Anis Hachani and Stefanie Hoebeeck. Department of Movement and Sports Sciences. Ghent University, Belgium. September 2011 -- January 2012. Visiting Master's students.
Fernando Laino. Buenos Aires, Argentina. RAFA-PANA International Scholar Award from American College of Sports Medicine. 2011.
Rufus Adesoji Adedoyin, PhD, PT. Department of Medical Rehabilitation. Obafemi Awolowo University. Ile-Ife, Nigeria. July 3-16, 2011. Visiting scholar.
Javier Molina-Garcia, Ph.D. and Ana Queralt, Ph.D., R.N. Study leave from University of Valencia, Spain. June -- August, 2011.
Delfien Van Dyck. Department of Movement and Sports Sciences. Ghent University, Belgium. January—April, 2011. Visiting doctoral student.
Klaus Gebel, Ph.D. School of Public Health. University of Sydney, Australia. April—May 2010. International Scholar Award from American College of Sports Medicine.
Neville Owen, Ph.D. Cancer Prevention Research Center, University of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. September 2009.
Javier Molina-Garcia, Ph.D. and Ana Molina, Ph.D., R.N. Study leave from Catholic University of Valencia and University of Valencia, Spain. August 2009. June -- August, 2011.
Kirstin Corder. Post-Doctoral Fellow. Cambridge University. UK. January 2009 – March 2010.
Satu Lehto. Ph.D. Student. Helsinki University. Finland. January – June 2009.
Billie Giles-Corti, Ph.D. University of Western Australia. Perth. July 2008.
Laurie Ramiro, Ph.D. University of The Phillipines, Manila. Fulbright Fellow. February—May 2008.
Ryosuke Shigematsu, Ph.D. Mie University, Japan. August 2007 – January 2008.
Ellen Haug. Ph.D. Student. University of Bergen, Norway. May – September, 2006.
Rodrigo Reis. Ph.D. Student. Florianopolis, Brazil. May – November, 2004.
Neville Owen, Ph.D. Cancer Prevention Research Center, University of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. May 2003.
Susana Aznar, Ph.D. University of Toledo. Toledo, Spain.
May 2003. -
Shigeru Inoue M.D., Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Tokyo Medical University. Tokyo, Japan. February 2003.
Yiing Mei Liou, M.S. Chief & Lecturer, Yang-Ming Exercise Health Science Institute, National Yang-Ming University. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. January-February, 2003.
Jung Su Lee, Ph.D. Tokyo University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan. October 2002.
Terry Pikora, University of Western Australia. June 2002.
Adrian Bauman, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., University of New South Wales, Australia. September 2001.
Billie Giles-Corti, Ph.D., University of Western Australia. September 2001.
Charlie Foster, M.Sc., Oxford University, England. September, 2001.
Oddrun Samdal, Ph.D. Research Scholar at the Research Center for Health Promotion, University of Bergen, Norway. Professional fellowship, August – December 2001.
Jorge Mota, Ph.D. and Sandra Guerra, Ph.D. student. From School of Sports and Exercise Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. June 2001.
Ilse de Bourdeaudhuij, Ph.D.. University of Ghent, Belgium. May 2000.
Yukio Yamaguchi. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Fukuoka University, Japan. Sabbatical, August 1999 – August 2000.
12-member delegation from the Sports Committee of the North-Rhine-Westphalian (state) Parliament and executive government (Germany). March 21, 1998.
Jorge Mota, Ph.D. from School of Sports and Exercise Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. Professional study leave. April 1998.
Mario Bracco, M.D., from CELAFISCS laboratory in Sao Paulo, Brazil. October - December, 1997.
Kersten Baumgarten, Ph.D., faculty from School of Public Health and Social Work at Magdeburg University, Germany. August 1997.
Marie-France Marcoux, doctoral student from University of Quebec at Montreal. Spring semester 1996.
Jorge Mota, Ph.D. from School of Sports Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal. Professional study leave. May 1995.
Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Ph.D. from Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal. Professional study leave. April 1995.
Adrian Bauman, M.D., Ph.D. from University of New South Wales, Australia. May 1994.
Timothy G. Lohman, Ph.D. from University of Arizona. Sabbatical leave, February - May 1994.
Neville Owen, Ph.D. from University of Adelaide, Australia. Professional study leave, June 1993.
Janice Butcher, Ph.D. from University of Manitoba, Canada. Sabbatical leave September 1992-March 1993.
Josef Hrebicek, M.D. from Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. International Scholars Program of the American College of Sports Medicine, June 1992.
Print Media
360 (SDSU)
Jornal de Tarde (Brazil)
San Jose Mercury News
Albuquerque Journal
Los Angeles Times
Scientific American Body
American Health Magazine
Medical Tribune
Science News
Associated Press stories Monitor on Psychology (APA) Seattle Times
Atlanta Journal-Constitution NASPE News Sports Illustrated
Bergens Tidende (Bergen, Norway) Nature Medicine Tampa Tribune
Better Homes and Gardens New York Daily News The Barbados Advocate
Boa Firma Magazine (Brazil) New York Times The Crisis, NAACP Magazine
Boston Globe Newsweek Magazine The East County Californian
Christian Science Monitor NHLBI HeartMemo The Irish Times
Colorado Health Foundation Journal Oregonian News The Nation’s Health
Cooking Light Magazine Outside Magazine Time Magazine
Daily Aztec (SDSU) Parenting Magazine Transamerica Health
Environmental Health Perspectives Philadelphia Inquirer USA Today
European Urban Knowledge Network Politico US News and World Report
Health Behavior News Service Prevention Magazine Vancouver Sun
HealthFinder.com Rails to Trails Conservancy Blog
Reuters stories Walking MagazineK
Health Magazine Revista da Folha (Brazil) Wall Street Journal
Healthy Living Magazine Sacramento Bee Washington Post
Honolulu Advertiser San Diego News Network WebMD.com
Indianapolis Star San Diego Union-Tribune Woman’s Day Magazine
San Francisco Chronicle Women’s Sport and Fitness