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The Audit of Physical Activity Resources for Seniors (APARS) assessed the physical activity environment in Senior Living Residences (SLRs). Audits were conducted in 29 SLRs and inter-rater reliability was assessed.

Main Citation:

Kerr, J., Carlson, J.A., Sallis, J.F., Rosenberg, D., Leak, C.R., Saelens, B.E., Chapman, J.E., Frank, L.D., and King, A.C.  (2011).  Assessing health-related resources in senior living residences.  Journal of Aging Studies, 25, 206-214.

The aim of this tool is to assess the availability of physical activity opportunities within senior Congregate Living Facilities. The tool examines the inside and outside physical activity opportunities within each facility. In addition, the tool assesses the opportunities that exist to travel offsite for activities.

This manual is not intended to provide definitions for all items. Rather, its purpose is to clarify items of possible confusion. Additionally, it provides a guide for pre-visit preparation and how to begin the visit.

Descriptive Statistics and Inter-Rater Reliability for APARS Items and Scales

© 2023 by James F Sallis Ph.D.

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