2013 Publications and “Accepted” List (with a few late 2012 papers)
James F. Sallis, Ph.D.
Updated October 23, 2013
Candelaria, J.I., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Saelens, B.E., Frank, L.D., Slymen, D.J., Cain, K.L., and Chapman, J.E. (2012). Differences in physical activity among adults in households with and without children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9(7), 985-995. Link
Tandon, P.S., Zhou, C., Sallis, J.F., Cain, K.L., Frank, L.D., and Saelens, B.E. (2012). Home environment relationships with children’s physical activity, sedentary time, and screen time by socioeconomic status. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9:88. PMCID: PMC3413573. Link
Ding, D., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Saelens, B.E., Frank, L.D., Cain, K.L., and Slymen, D.J. (2012). Interactive effects of built environment and psychosocial attributes on physical activity: A test of ecological models. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 44, 365-374.
Ding, D., Sallis, J.F., Norman, G.J., Saelens, B.E., Harris, S.K., Kerr, J., Rosenberg, D., Durant, N., and Glanz, K. (2012). Community food environment, home food environment, and fruit and vegetable intake of children and adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44, 634-638. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2010.07.003.
Sallis, J.F., Carlson, J.A, and Mignano, A.M. (2012). Promoting youth physical activity through physical education and after-school programs. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 23(3),493-510. (Invited review)
Van Dyck, D., Cerin, E., Conway, T.L., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Owen, N., Kerr, J., Cardon, G., Frank, L.D., Saelens, B.E., and Sallis, J.F. (2013). Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with adults’ leisure-time physical activity: Findings from Belgium, Australia, and the USA. Health and Place, 19, 59-68.
Carlson, J.A., Sallis, J.F., Chriqui, J.F., Schneider, L., McDermid, L.C., and Agron, P. (2013). State policies about physical activity minutes in physical education or during the school day. Journal of School Health, 83(3), 150-156. Link
Dirige, O.V., Carlson, J.A., Alcaraz, J., Moy, K.L., Rock, C., Oades, R., and Sallis, J.F. (2013). Siglang Buhay: Nutrition and physical activity promotion in Filipino Americans through community organizations. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 19(2), 162-168. DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e3182571708
Whitt-Glover, M.C., Bennett, G., and Sallis, J.F. (2013). Introduction to the Active Living Research supplement: Disparities in environments and policies that support active living. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1, suppl 1), 1-5.
Sallis, J.F., Carlson, J.A., Mignano, A.M., Lemes, A., and Wagner, N. (2013). Trends in presentations of environmental and policy studies related to physical activity, nutrition, and obesity at Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1995-2010: A commentary to accompany the Active Living Research Suppment to Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1, suppl 1), 14-17. http://www.activelivingresearch.org/journalspecialissues/abm2013
Adams, M.A., Ding, D., Sallis, J.F., Bowles, H.R., Ainsworth, B.E., Bergman, P., Bull, F.C., Carr, H., Craig, C.L., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Gomez, L.F., Inoue, S., Heggebo, L.K., Lefevre, J., Macfarlane, D.J., Matsudo, S., Matsudo, V., Murase, N., Sjöström, M., Tomten, H., Volbekiene, V., and Bauman, A. (2013). Patterns of neighborhood environment attributes related to physical activity across 11 countries: A latent class analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10:34. DOI: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-34 Link
Tappe, K.A., Glanz, K., Sallis, J.F., Zhou, C., and Saelens, B.E. (2013). Children’s physical activity and parents’ perception of the neighborhood environment: Neighborhood Impact on Kids study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10:39. DOI: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-39 Link
Cerin, E., Conway, T.L., Cain, K.L., Kerr, J., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Owen, N., Reis, R.S., Sarmiento, O.L., Hinckson, E.A., Salvo, D., Christiansen, L.B., MacFarlane, D.J., Davey, R., Mitas, J., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., and Sallis, J.F. (2013). Sharing good NEWS across the world: Developing comparable scores across 12 countries for the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS). BMC Public Health, 13:309. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-309. Link
Cain, K.L., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Van Dyck, D., Calhoon, L. (2013) Using Accelerometers in Youth Physical Activity Studies: A Review of Methods. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10, 437-450.
Roesch, S.C., Norman, G.N., Merz, E., Sallis, J.F., and Patrick, K. (2013). Longitudinal measurement invariance of psychosocial measures in physical activity research: An application to adolescent data. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 721-729.
Cain, K.L., Conway, T.L., Adams, M.A., Husak, L.E., and Sallis, J.F. (2013). Comparison of older and newer generations of ActiGraph accelerometers with the normal filter and low frequency extension. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10:51. (Posted online April 25, 2013). DOI: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-51. PMCID: PMC3641979. Link
Ding, D., Adams, M.A., Sallis, J.F., Norman, G.J., Hovell, M.F., Chambers, C.D., Hofstetter, C.R., Bowles, H.R., Hagstromer, M., Craig, C.L., Gomez, L.F., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Macfarlane, D.J., Ainsworth, B.E., Bergman, P., Bull, F.C., Carr, H., Klasson-Heggebo, L., Inoue, S., Murase, N., Matsudo, S., Matsudo, V., McLean, G., Sjostrom, M., Tomten, H., Lefevre, J., Volbekiene, V., and Bauman, A.E. (2013). Perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity in 11 countries: Do associations differ by country? International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10:57. Posted online May 14, 2013. PMCID: PMC3663693. Link
Winston, C. P., Sallis, J. F., Swartz, M., Hoelscher, D. M., and Peskin, M. F. (2013). Consumer nutrition environments of hospitals: An exploratory analysis using the Healthy Hospital Environment Scan for Cafeterias, Vending Machines and Gift Shops. Preventing Chronic Disease, 10:120335. Posted online July 8, 2013. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd10.120335 PMCID: PMC3702231. Link
Kerr, J., Sallis, J.F., Owen, N., DeBourdeaudhuij, I., Cerin, E., Frank, L., Reis, R., Fromel, K., Mitáš, J., Troelsen, J., MacFarlane, D., Salvo, D., Schofield, G., Badland, H., Guileen-Grima, F., Davey, R., Bauman, A., Saelens, B., Riddoch, C., Ainsworth, B., Pratt, M., Schimd, T., Adams, M., Conway, T., Cain, K., Van Dyke, D., and Bracy, N. (in press). Advancing science and policy through a coordinated international study of physical activity and built environments: IPEN methods. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Link
Norman, G.J., Carlson, J.A., Omara, S., Sallis, J.F., Patrick, K., Frank, L.D., and Godbole, S. (2013). Neighborhood preference, walkability and walking in overweight/obese men. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37(2), 277-282.
Van Dyck, D., Sallis, J.F., Cardon, G., DeForche, B., Adams, M.A., Geremia, C., and De Bourdeaudhui, I. (2013). Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use: An observational study in the USA and Belgium. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12:26. PMCID: PMC3651346. Link
Oyeyemi, A.L., Sallis, J.F., Deforche, B., Oyeyemi, A.Y., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., and Van Dyck, D. (2013). Evaluation of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scales in Nigeria. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12:16. PMCID: PMC3606828. Link
Patrick, K., Norman, G.J., Davila, E.P., Calfas, K.J., Raab, F., Gottschalk, M., Sallis, J.F., Godbole, S., and Covin, J. (2013). Outcomes of a 12-month technology-based intervention to promote weight loss in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 17(3), 759-770. Link
Kneeshaw-Price, S.H., Saelens, B., Sallis, J., Glanz, K., Frank, L., Kerr, J., Hannon, P., Grembowski, D., Chan, K.C.G., Cain, K. (2013). Children’s objective physical activity by location: Why the neighborhood matters. Pediatric Exercise Science, 25, 468-486.
Oyeyemi, A.L., Deforche, B., Sallis, J.F., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., and Van Dyck, D. (2013). Behavioral mediators of the association between neighborhood environment and weight status in Nigerian adults. American Journal of Health Promotion, 28 (1), 23-31.
Millstein, R.A., Cain, K.L., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Geremia, C., Frank, L.D., Chapman, J., Van Dyck, D., Dipzinski, L., Kerr, J., Glanz, K., and Saelens, B.E. (2013). Development, scoring, and reliability of the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS). BMC Public Health, 13:403. Published online April 27, 2013. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-403. PMCID: PMC3728214 Link
Crespo, N.C., Corder, K., Marshall, S.J., Norman, G.J., Sallis, J.F., Patrick, K., and Elder, J.P. (2013). An examination of multilevel factors that may explain gender differences in children’s physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10(7), 982-992. Link
Winston, C. P., Sallis, J. F., Swartz, M., Hoelscher, D. M., & Peskin, M. F. (2013). Reliability of the Healthy Hospital Environment Scan for Cafeterias, Vending Machines and Gift Shops. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(8),1069-1075.
Patrick, K., Norman, G.J., Davila, E.P., Calfas, K.J., Raab, F., Gottschalk, M., Sallis, J.F., Godbole, S., and Covin, J. (2013). Outcomes of a multimodal intervention to promote weight loss in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 7(3),759-70.
Papers Accepted and In Press
Oyeyemi, A.L., Sallis, J.F., DeBourdeadhuij, I., Deforche, B., and Oyeyemi, A. (in press). Adaptation, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of the Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment Scale in Nigeria (PANES-N). Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Posted online December 7, 2012. Link
Molina-Garcia, J., Sallis, J.F., and Castillo, I. (in press). Active commuting and sociodemographic factors among university students in Spain. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Link
Van Dyck, D., Cerin, E., Conway, T.L., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Owen, N., Kerr, J., Cardon, G., and Sallis, J.F. (accepted). Interacting psychosocial and environmental correlates of leisure-time physical activity: A three-country study. Health Psychology.
Molina-Garcia, J., Castillo, I., Queralt, A., and Sallis, J.F. (accepted). Bicycling to university: Evaluation of a bicycle-sharing program in Spain. Health Promotion International.
Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Dillon, L.I., Frank, L.D., Adams, M.A., Cain, K.L., and Saelens, B.E. (in press). Environmental and demographic correlates of bicycling. Preventive Medicine. Published online June 19, 2013. Open access. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.06.014 Link
Carlson, J.A., Sallis, J.F., Norman, G.J., McKenzie, T.L., Kerr, J., Arredondo, E.M., Madanat, H., Mignano, A.M., Cain, K.L., Elder, J.P., and Saelens, B.E. (accepted). Elementary school practices and children’s objectively measured physical activity during school. Preventive Medicine.
Carlson, J.A., Mignano, A.M., Norman, G.J., McKenzie, T.L., Kerr, J., Arredondo, E.M., Madanat, H., Cain, K.L., Elder, J.P., Saelens, B.E., and Sallis, J.F. (accepted). Socioeconomic disparities in elementary school practices and children’s physical activity during school. American Journal of Health Promotion.
Rovniak, L.S., Sallis, J.F., Kraschnewski, J.L., Sciamanna, C.N., Kiser, E.J., Ray, C.A., Chinchilli, V., Ding, D., Matthews, S.A., Bopp, M., George, D.R., and Hovell, M.F. (accepted). Engineering online and in-person social networks to sustain physical activity: Application of a conceptual model. BMC Public Health.
Patrick, K., Norman, G.J., Davila, E.P., Rosenberg, D.E., Sallis, J.F., Calfas, K.J., and Covin, J. (accepted). Two-year outcomes of a primary-care and home-based intervention for physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet in adolescents. ICAN: Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition.
Ding, D., Sallis, J.F., Norman, G.J., Frank, L.D., Saelens, B.E., Kerr, J., Conway, T.L., Cain, K., Hovell, M.F., Hofstetter, C.R., and King, A.C. (accepted). Neighborhood environment and physical activity among older adults: Do the relationships differ by driving status? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
Sallis, J.F., Cutter, C.L., Lou, D., Spoon, C., Wilson, A.L., Ding, D., Ponkshe, P., Cervero, R. Patrick, K., Schmid, T.L., Mignano, A., and Orleans, C.T. (accepted). Active Living Research: Creating and using evidence to support childhood obesity prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.