Funded by an NIH-NHLBI Grant from 2007-2011, this study was conducted in the Baltimore and Seattle regions with teenagers andseeks to better understand how where people live influences their health-related behaviors. Many of the survey scales were drawn from ActiveWhere? and PACE Adolescent studies.
Acknowledgements: Originally from the PACE+ studies (PIs: Kevin Patrick, Jim Sallis, Karen Calfas): Clinical & Web-based Diet & Activity Counseling for Men (NIHROICA098861, Sep 27, 2002-Sep 29, 2005), Counseling for Overweight Women for Diet and Activity (NIHR01CA085873, Sep 1, 2001 - Aug 31, 2005), PACE+: Counseling Adolescents for Exercise and Nutrition (NIHR01CA081495, Sep 30, 2000 - Aug 31, 2004
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Survey of adolescents to assess the relation between one's neighborhood, quality of life, health, and physical activity.
Parent-reported survey